Thursday, March 22, 2012

#1 Reason to RV Full Time

The Number 1 Reason to RV Full Time

The Number 1 Reason to RV Full Time
By Ralph Burns

When we began to RV full time it had been a little challenging.

It was actually not easy to become accustomed to the small living quarters, the toilet smaller than a telephone booth, incredibly long drives on unexciting interstates, finding out the way the cable connection works at every camping site, oh-so thrilling black water drainings, really chatty "RV" neighbors, missing loved ones back at home...

Yet in spite all that mafter the first week or so, we began to realize how suitably RVing suit our lifestyles, just how comfy it is and how the small space really improves your life and exactly how liberating the trip actually is.

However by far, the best thing of staying in the RV full time is a complete and utter liberty from "the scheduled life".

If you've got little ones, you know just what I'm talking about.

Its the consistent running to baseball practice, lacrosse practice, swimming lessons, chess club, drum lessons, various family activities, countless birthday parties, play dates and every other activity that occupies the majority of a typical suburban family's day to day life schedule.

It's tiring...(and I didn't even do a majority of it in the family)!

Even so all of those things are great and can be fun for you to do, when you are RVing, you're completely free from that lifestyle and you are able to live life "unscheduled".

When you're RVing full time, you may go the places you desire to go and at whatever pace in which is a convenience to you. Not really that we do not create a schedule, because we do.

The truth is, you need to have RV park reservations along with 2 kids during the summertime. This is because RV parks fill up fairly quickly and you need to reserve earlier or you'll be shut out.

Yes, there are lots of RV blog owners that discusses how staying at an RV you're your own boss, there is no reliance on hotel accommodations, airports, restaurant bookings and also becoming "at one" with the wilderness.

Don't be fooled by any of that. The best reason of all is freedom away from the scheduled life.

Freedom and "location independence" is what drove both of us to build lives that will support a full time RV lifestyle for one year...or longer. After I browsed The 4-Hour Workweek three years ago, it was all over for myself. I believed I had to make it happen. Also author Tim Ferris doesn't have kids and so he never actually brought up this form of independence and freedom.

But I think There is no other kind of freedom that tops it. I'd guess that during our journey I'll miss all of that scheduling, all of the parties, all the activities but for the time being I'm not. It is a fun filled break also as for me it's the ultimate reason to consider RVing full time.

To learn more about RVing full time, visit our blog on how to RV full time.

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